Sam Dastyari

Senator New South Wales

Sam Dastyari

Senator New South Wales


Sam Dastyari is a Senator representing Australia’s largest State, New South Wales, in the Australian Parliament.

He is the Chair of the Senate Economics References Committee and is currently chairing Australia’s first ever inquiry into digital currency.

Sam is a strong believer that the future growth of digital currencies requires a partnership between industry leaders and government.

Sam was born in a small town in Northern Iran and migrated to Australia as a young child during the Iran / Iraq war in 1988. He is an outspoken advocate for Multiculturalism.

He joined the Labor Party following the Republican Referendum in 1999 and has a passion for social policy and economics.

Sam was the General Secretary of the Australian Labor Party (NSW Branch) from 2010 to 2013.

Sam is married to Helen and together they are raising their two young daughters (Hannah and Eloise) in Sydney.