Chance Barnett

CEO - Crowdfunder

Chance Barnett

CEO - Crowdfunder


Chance Barnett is the CEO of Crowdfunder, the leading equity crowdfunding platform for influencers. Crowdfunder empowers influencers to transform their social currency into financial capital.

Chance is a successful internet entrepreneur, angel investor, and advisor who has started, bootstrapped, and raised VC money for several companies from inception over the last 15 years.

Prior to founding Crowdfunder in 2011, Chance’s left his most recent full time operational leadership role and became a hands-on investor and advisor for early stage growth companies, a Forbes Contributor on Startups and Crowdfunding, as well as a published best-selling author in the areas of Entrepreneurship and Personal Development.

In founding Crowdfunder, Chance played an early and significant role in JOBS Act legislation & regulation in Washington D.C.– engaging directly with top leadership across Congress, the White House, and the SEC. Chance and Crowdfunder have since been invited by foreign governments and private leadership around the world to consult on entrepreneurship and equity crowdfunding legislation for emerging markets.

Chance is a graduate of University of California, Santa Cruz with a degree in Economics. He lives in Venice, California where he is an Advisor to a select group of startups & social enterprises, and surfs when the waves are good.

All session by Chance Barnett